seasonal employment — n. Employment that exists only at particular times of the year, such as harvest work. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008 … Law dictionary
seasonal employment — Employment in occupations which can be carried on only at certain seasons or fairly definite portions of the year. Hogsett v Cinek Coal & Feed Co. 127 Neb 393, 255 NW 546, 93 ALR 305 … Ballentine's law dictionary
seasonal employment — job that is performed only during a specific season … English contemporary dictionary
seasonal employment — As used in compensation laws, as basis for determining right to and amount of compensation, refers to occupations which can be carried on only at certain seasons or fairly definite portions of the year, and does not include such occupations as… … Black's law dictionary
employment — em·ploy·ment n 1: an activity or service performed for another esp. for compensation or as an occupation 2: the act of employing: the state of being employed Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
employment — Act of employing or state of being employed; that which engages or occupies; that which consumes time or attention; also an occupation, profession, trade, post or business. Hinton v. Columbia River Packers Ass n, C.C.A.Or., 117 F.2d 310. Includes … Black's law dictionary
employment — Act of employing or state of being employed; that which engages or occupies; that which consumes time or attention; also an occupation, profession, trade, post or business. Hinton v. Columbia River Packers Ass n, C.C.A.Or., 117 F.2d 310. Includes … Black's law dictionary
seasonal — sea‧son‧al [ˈsiːznəl] adjective 1. seasonal adjustment/ change/variation etc COMMERCE adjustments you make or changes that happen because of the situation during a particular period of the year, that is not typical of the rest of the year: •… … Financial and business terms
employment — em‧ploy‧ment [ɪmˈplɔɪmənt] noun [uncountable] 1. HUMAN RESOURCES work that you do to earn money: • students seeking employment after college • Part time employment was often the only paid employment women could find. conˌtinuous emˈployment a… … Financial and business terms
seasonal adjustment/change/variation — ► ECONOMICS a change made to figures or other data in order to remove the effect of things that only happen at particular times of year: »Construction employment, which had been surprisingly strong since the beginning of the year, fell by 65,000… … Financial and business terms
seasonal change — seasonal adjustment/change/variation ► ECONOMICS a change made to figures or other data in order to remove the effect of things that only happen at particular times of year: »Construction employment, which had been surprisingly strong since the… … Financial and business terms